Breeder of Portugese Water Dog and Chinese Crested/Chinese Crested Powder Puff
Portinbo's Amber The First Lady
Rikke is indeed a Lady that came to me as a 6-year old around Easter 2009. Previously I had never had any experience with this breed, and I had never taken in a gron-up dog earlier. It soon became clear that Rikke had come to stay, it just felt right. Since then I have gotten to know her very well. She is exceptionally good at reading people and has helped me through some tough times. It's not withour reason that I call her my therapy-dog, happiness as prescripted or other things. She loves several activities and to do clicker-training. If I hold a tennisball, she will do just about anything (unless she sees a cat). Rikke has tried agility and freestyle in addition to several dogshows. When she was 6 years old, I found out that she had HD: C, but this is to no hindrance in the everyday life. Of course, this excluded her from breeding in my eyes, but at that time the thougt of being a breeder wasn't on my mind. As long as she gets glucosamine for her elbow, she's able to do several activities, run in the forest and play with my other dogs.
She already had the name "Rikke" when she came to live with me and she obeyed her name well, so I kept it.