Breeder of Portugese Water Dog and Chinese Crested/Chinese Crested Powder Puff
About us
My name is Lotte and my great passion in life is dogs. I got my first PWD the spring of 2009 and this felt like coming home. Early on I got the feeling that this truly was the breed for me, at least as long as my health permits it. Since 2009 my dreams have developed and the planning har started. In 2013 the first Chinese Crested Powder Puff came to the family and this quickly became a breed that I liked a lot. One of the CCPP's live with my mum and is just thriving there. In addition to this, the kennel has it's own mascot, the mix Greta.
Through the years I have taken several courses, both with and without a dog. The fall of 2013 I completed the school for breeders, arranged by the Norwegian Kennel Club. I have also taken their Cynology course. Now that 2014 I have completed and passed the Instructor's course with Oslo Hundeskole. I believe that one always can learn more, and I find it very useful taking courses like these. My aim is to give courses in the future.
As a breeder I will strive to breed healthy dogs, both in mind and body. The dogs that are used for the breeding will, of course, have the mandatory health results. Since the PWD is a breed that needs someting to do, my dogs will also experience a wide variety of activities in addition to the every-day-life. Such activities might be dogshows, agility, freestyle obedience and tracking. Doing this myself, I feel that I may give advice to the potential puppy-buyers (and others) about what they can do with their dogs.
If you wish to, please send an email! I'd be happy to hear from you!